Science is the best thing we can do. And I think it is better for men to seek order in a chaotic manner instead to study chaos in an orderly fashion.

Saturday, March 06, 2010

You have to learn to abandon those assumptions that you have about the world in order to understand quantum mechanics. In my gut, in my belly, do I feel like I have a deep intuitive understanding of quantum mechanics? No.
-- EDWARD FARHI (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Interesanta afirmatie facuta acum citiva ani buni (vezi The Elegant Univers, documentar pe care toata lumea il stie de-acuma). Nu cred ca trebuie sa renuntam asa de usor la ceea ce se constituie in stiinta clasica. Cred mai degraba ca trebuie sa intelegem cum anume se face trecerea de la clasic la cuantic: aceasta este cheia. Faptul ca un fizician de virf afirma ca nu crede ca are o intelegere intuitiva asupra mecanicii cuantice ne lamureste insa de faptul ca noi nu am inteles inca cum anume se structureaza lumea cuantica in raport cu universul mecanicii newtoniene.


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